

Transformice Hack 2013

Transformice Hack 2013
Transformice is an independent multiplayer free-to-play online platform browser game created by French designers known by their aliases Melibellule and Tigrounette. Melibellule produces the game’s artwork and graphics, while Tigrounette programs the game’s functions and mechanics. The game was released on May 1, 2010
At the beginning you will be one of many ordinary mice in the herd. The game is divided into several panels. Your goal is to reach the cheese and get back with him back to the burrow. Each phase will be a shaman, which helps the herd accomplish the mission.

Transformice Hack 2013

I present you the new work, Fraises Transformice Hack.
The application adds strawberries to our account in Transformice
Enter only the nickname and the number of strawberries.
This hack will give you 50 strawberries, but you can use it a few times and you’ll get more!

Have fun !!
 How To Download
1) Click on the Download Button
2) After this you will see a window with multiple surveys.
3) Choose one of the given surveys and complete it for free. There are the easiest surveys from this world offered and choosen with attention by our professional team. Most of the surveys occupies about one minute.
4) After you have filled one poll correctly the download link will be unlocked.